REDI Committee's Anonymous Submission Form 

Welcome to The CDCLI’s REDI Committee’s Anonymous submission form. The REDI Committee works to disrupt and dismantle systems of economic and social inequities in our organization, and our communities. As such, our work as change agents is to bring attention to potential inequities and bring about positive change.

The committee created this submission form for CDCLI staff members to report inequities they may face anonymously. The REDI Committee will review your submission and create an action plan to find a solution to the report.

This form also includes a section for suggestions for The REDI Committee. Let us know if you have an idea or critique that will allow us to better serve you, our team, and/or our community.

Please note that the REDI Committee is not Human Resources. Our focus is on our mission to dismantle inequal systems; Any urgent matter requiring immediate attention should be addressed to Human Resources. If you find yourself in an urgent matter requiring immediate attention, please contact